Been a while since I wrote here! Sept. 16th O_O way too long!
I have been trying to keep up with video vlogs and felt like I would be repeating things on here so haven't updated ^^ gomen gomen!
So I came up with the great idea of making my own 'Apples to Apples' cards for my 1st years at my Junior High. Wow what was I thinking! lol I love the game but didn't think how much work it would be!
I ran it by my JTE and he went for the idea and said he'd copy and laminate them. I love working with my JTE for the first years but get left with the feeling of not doing enough for him. I feel like I disappoint him a lot so when he wants me to work on something I go right into it and work hard on it and as fast as I can.
So it's been about a week or so and I have finished 81 cards for the game on the computer. Last week after I told him about my idea I went home and made one set of cards for red and green with nine cards on each sheet. I showed it to him the next day and he loved it and he wants 8 sets of the card.... I tried to keep him to six but nope he wants 8 ^^;;; So now a week after I told him about it I finished the cards and brought them in on a USB drive to print them out....
omg I'm just thinking on that now I made 81 cards but 9 cards on one A4 9 but 8 sets of that 9 and that's 72 and there is a second page that has the back of the card so that is 144 sheets of paper I used.... wow!
ok it's freezing and I'm still a little =( so going to make hot chocolate and marshmallows! BRB haha
Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate baby!
Where was I? oh right! cards.
So the second year JTE had time and helped me out with printing. She even suggested using another color printer that was cheaper on ink or something. She was a great help!
So I got all the papers printed and started laminating them. I'm not sure how many i did before I realized that there were only 6 laminating sheets left. I was going to ask if there was another box but had classes to get to.
Well I went away to brush my teeth after lunch cause that's what they do here ^^ I walked back into the teacher's room and the Vice Principal was talking with the 2nd year JTE about my laminating. I heard her explain that she had nothing to do with it but was asked to help out. It seems that with the open class tomorrow the vp was thinking of using a bunch of laminating sheets!
In standard Japanese form they made it seem like they were worried about when I had to have the cards done. I have no deadline at all, I just wanted to get it done ASAP. So the VP decided he didn't need to laminate the paper he's hanging up. The one for the English room said English 4th period... we'll see how that goes!
So being over productive got me in trouble ^^;;
I was upset that I messed up and caused a problem and the 1st year JTE came over to me before class and told me not to worry about it. He joked saying we had bad luck that hardly any laminating gets done but they needed to laminate now. He also said that my wanting to get it done was right.
I am going to apologize again and again tomorrow. bluh I don't like causing problems for others at all. I am loving this school and really hoping i can continue to work there next year too!
in a smaller point but maybe more important...
Yesterday had a 5.5 quake on the fault 5 miles away and it really scared me. Broke 2 dishes and olive oil too. Now I'm freaked when I feel little quakes....