About Me

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I'm a California girl who from 2007-2008 studied abroad in Tokyo at Toyo University. 2008-2010 completed my B.A. Degree in Japanese at the University of Hawaii @ Manoa. I was hired on May 6th 2011 to become an Assistant Language Teacher with Interac Co., Ltd. After the events of 3/11 I wanted to do something to help Japan. I decided to start early with Interac and be placed in one of the prefectures most affected by the earthquake/tsunami. <3

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Getting closer and closer!

My brother brought home some sharpies so I can finish my poster board for the lesson demo! Got the timeline for the interview this morning as followed.


Here's the basic schedule. Look over it if you have a chance, and I'll see you on Saturday!

8:50 AM- Applicants arrive- Please be in the lobby by this time.
8:55 AM- Meeting time- I will meet you in the lobby and we will go to the meeting room together.
9:00 AM- Presentation Part I- Brief introductions, and overview of Interac, information on life in Japan and what ALTs do
After this point, all times are approximate:
10:15 AM- Grammar Test and break time- 15 minutes to complete the grammar test, 10 minute break.
10:40 AM- Presentation Part II- Salary packages, housing, insurance and other details
11:20 AM- Demo Lesson Tips and break time- Demo lesson instructions and advice, questions, and a short break
11:40 AM- Demo Lessons- Demo lessons recorded in front of peers.
12:40 PM- Lunch and Interviews- Interview slots assigned. Personality sorter distributed to be completed during break. You are free to roam until the time of your interview.
After your interview is complete, you are free to go. Thank you for attending, and good luck!


I can't wait! Tomorrow I have an interview with Target Department store. Hope i get it! start making money to start off my life in Japan!
I admit I'm worried about the grammar test only because I'm so rusty on it. Been studying Japanese grammar for years lol

I was going to stay off the internet to focus on my interview prep but I'm glad I sneaked some looks at my email because the dream pre-Interac job i sent my resume for want to meet me to talk about the opening. It's a summer camp program for students around the world to come to California and study English. They are looking for assistant teachers who are bilingual to help out. I can't wait! I haven't gotten a reply yet but waiting! They said they'd talk to me over the phone which would be easier since it's an hour + bus ride there. But you really get to know people face to face so will do the bus time.

How perfect is this! seems everything is pointing me down the right path. JET not wanting me, Galileo not wanting me and even Interac's departure being delayed due to the earthquake.
I'll have time to work and earn starting money as well as be in my oldest friend's wedding.

Let's hope everything works out! ^-^

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